Please understand the following!
The terms Self Defence, indicates you are already under assault and losing! Combatives is NOT that! Self Protection is a more accurate statement, as it suggest that there are a variety of hurdles that need to be negotiated before any assault on your person could take place! These are the Personal Security elements such as awareness, pre-threat recognition, avoidance, escape, de-escalation, protecting personal space etc. The next 2 elements of SP are both physical and assume your personal security measures failed you in this particular situation. First one is a pro-active physical dynamic, self offence if you like! In which case I’m the fucking hammer NOT the anvil! The first with the most will always be the best! The final element is when your awareness was somewhat down, shit happens! You’re human and now you are under assault and find yourself re-acting to what someone is already doing to you, NOT the ideal but shit happens and we must have contingency plans for this! This we call Counter offence, this is what the mainstream uninformed refer to as self defence and is where most methods of teaching, begin and end! Combatives is not that! Defending by its very nature is fucking losing! Like I said UC is NOT that! If self defence is what you are looking for you are in the wrong place! However if you understand how real violence manifest in the real world, then from a self protection perspective I’d say that Combatives in general as long as it follows the 3 elements of overall SP is what will offer you the highest probability of success!