Self Defense = Real Solutions

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Real and meaningful action must be taken to end what is becoming the common event of predatorial shootings in our society. Action in the manner that “Krav Maga” contemplates (“contact combat”)…we must engage the violence we are witnessing with overwhelming and definitive violence. 

We cannot and will not successfully legislate the behavior of a sociopath.The language they speak is punctuated with blood and pain. The glory these delusional jihadists seek is quantified by body counts. 

As we again count the number of innocents victims from the latest atrocity, we must do more than send “prayers and thoughts”.

We must send a message to those who would contemplate these acts of domestic terrorism; swift and certain death will be exacted. 

Political posturing and stump speeches are a waste of time and underscore our government’s preference for form over substance.

Until our government shows up with real solutions, we are on our own. So I recommend that we all train. Knowing what to do during a violent crisis is no longer a curiosity to be entertained, but a life skill we are required to learn. 

Stay safe.