Study in Contrasts

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Interesting experience with two private clients that came in, back to back.

The first client is a woman of advancing age, but with a spirit that views every session as a challenge and a blessing. She trains hard but is truly enjoying and savoring every aspect of the experience. As she was finishing up, my next client walked in. My first client high-fives me and exclaims “That was fun!!!” as she walks off the mats.

The second client looks at me and says, “I want to do what she did”.

Ironically, they have very similar training regiments with me as they are similarly capable physically and have almost identical levels of experience in training. The second client is 15+ years younger yet always tells me that whatever routine we are about to start that she is “too old”. Her words about training reflect an attitude that it is a chore she makes herself do. When we were done, she thanked me, but again muttered how at her age this was tough.

I don’t feel I bring anything different to either session nor am I more or less encouraging to either client. I am struck, however, by the joy each decides to experience in this hour of training. Ultimately the attitude that each brouhgt into training determined their experience.

My walk away is that the first client is a great role model everyone (including myself) can learn from. If you are grateful for what you are about to do, your sense of joy and accomplishment are significantly better than someone who approaches the same moment with dread or negativity.

Therefore, when given the choice (and there’s always a choice), choose to be grateful and joyful.