The Amazing Benefits Of Learning Martial Arts

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Martial arts such as Krav Maga are great for a variety of reasons. Most of them originated as defensive and offensive strategies to deal with physical attacks. While the defensive DNA still remains, martial arts have broadened their appeal and have become much more than that. In this article, we look at some of the reasons why you should consider learning martial arts.

Health Reasons

Martial arts is a great way to stay healthy. Almost all martial arts disciplines require one to be at peak fitness. Indeed, the postures also ensure that one gets a thorough workout as he or she perfects the martial arts moves. Most of the postures and stances are great for joint health as well as bone health. martial arts also offers a general cardio workout that is great for heart health as well as lowering blood pressure.


Martial arts approaches such as Krav Maga are designed specifically to be self-defense techniques. Given rising crime rates in American cities, it is important for each of us to be able to defend ourselves, or at least hold out any attacks until help arrives. Martial arts gives us the tools that we need to fend off such attacks.

Greater Self Confidence

One of the benefits of learning martial arts is the fact that it gives the individual a greater sense of self-confidence. This is because martial arts teach you greater mental discipline and self-restraint. This gives you a sense of assurance about your ability to handle any problems. The mental discipline that martial arts approaches teach ensures that you remain focused and calm when faced with any problems.

Better Mental Health

One of the oft-overlooked benefits of learning martial arts is that it offers greater mental health. martial arts do this in a variety of ways. The physical workout helps with eliminating stress and results in a much calmer predisposition. The other way martial arts help you enjoy greater mental health is through meditation. Most martial arts workouts emphasize meditation which is great for mental health. Meditation teaches us how to focus and how to manage problems such as anxiety and stress. 

Team Building

When carried out by experts, martial arts are a great way to promote teamwork in an organization.  Specially curated martial arts programs allow colleagues to learn how to work as a team and to be able to solve any problems together. This in turn increases productivity and reduces workplace conflict. The great thing about martial arts as a team-building program is that it works in all sorts of contexts. Whether your organization is a for-profit entity or it is a charity organization, it is likely to reap just as many benefits from such a program.

Character Building

One of the intangible benefits of martial arts is that it also helps individuals to build their characters. Most martial arts programs are based on a self-defense approach that calls for self-discipline. One of the mantras that you will hear in most martial arts training programs is the idea of doing no harm, especially when not under threat. This means that people who take martial arts training are likely to be more well-meaning and less prone to violence than people with no training.